Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year

I've been listening today to comments about the New Year: Should we or should we not make New Year's resolutions? If we do, will we keep them? Why do so many of us male resolutions and then not make a serious attempt to succeed? And so on.

I think that if you make a resolution because you think you ought to, you will probably fail. If you make a realistic resolution about something you seriously want to change about yourself, you up your chances of success. Especially if your resolution is specific, measurable, and has a time limit.

On the other hand, the idea of making a change at the beginning of a year implies that this is going to be a different kind of year than the one just past.

The only trouble with that is that no one can live a year at a time. You can visualize a wonderful year in which all your bad habits are gone, but you can only live it as you go, one day at a time, or sometimes, one moment at a time.

Now that I am old, I have given up worrying about what I ought to do, and instead am having a lot of fun figuring out who I am, what is important to me in my life, and then living with as much enthusiasm and integrity as I can muster.

I like the Dalai Lama's comment: "My religion is kindness."

If I have a resolution, it is one that is within me this year, last year, and next year: to be kind, kind to myself and to others. I don't mean a sentimental, slushy kindness that condones everything. I mean an attitude of kindness and grown-up understanding in the face of both wrong doing and right doing.

That's what's fun about being old. You can make up your own mind about yourself. Looking back you can see all the lousy advice you got, and followed, from other people during your lifetime, and all the trouble it got you into. So now, I'm just who I am, and am willing to take all the reponsibility for any train wrecks that occur.

I guess that means I resolve to laugh, be creative, help others, and enjoy life even when things go wrong.


  1. Beautifully written Troy! It took me years to understand that my opinion of myself is what is important. Kind and gentle are my guide words for 2011. You are a living example of kindness in this troubled world. Love Rhonda

  2. Thanks, Rhonda. I sppreciate your feedback very much. Love, Troy

  3. Very well said, Troy, there is always room for more kindness, and for patience and understanding. This world is in dire need of more caring for one another and our planet; conscientiously practiced on a daily level. Wouldn't it be loverly??? Thank-you for sharing your thoughts...Paula

  4. That was a joyful inspiration to read! How very wise you are. You are already patient, kind and you certainly do help others - including me. Enjoying life even when things go wrong is a big one...which I am really working on and trying to do. Not only are you creative, but you gave birth to extraordinarily creative children. I just looked at all of Bill's pictures and poems and he is talented beyond belief!! I was stunned. And then of course there is Bobby's unbelievable talents and gifts.
    You are a role model that I am inspired to be like. I wish you an excellent 2011! Love, Sharon
